
The Interrupting Habit We All Have, and Why It’s So Bad for Your Productivity

The Interrupting Habit

The Interrupting Habit We All Have

What is Interrupting?

Interrupting is a habit that many of us are guilty of. We don’t mean to do it, but when we are talking with someone, we tend to cut them off and start talking again instead of waiting for them to finish. It’s important to break this habit because it makes the other person feel like they aren’t being listened to and can cause tension in the conversation.

There are many ways you can interrupt someone without meaning to. You might be asking questions while they are talking or you might be finishing their sentence. As a general rule, it is considered rude to interrupt someone without good reason. Interrupting others can also be used as a way to control the conversation.

Times When It Might Be Ok To Interrupt:

  • You are trying to make a point and the other person is talking over you.
  • The person you are talking to is being violent or aggressive towards you.
  • Someone else has entered the conversation and it would be best for them to speak instead of allowing the original speaker uninterrupted time.
  • You have asked a question and the other person is taking longer than you anticipated to answer.
  • It might be important to interrupt someone if they are breaking the law.

People who interrupt conversations often may be seen as disrespectful, aggressive, or rude.

What Causes an Interruption and How to Deal with It?

Interruptions can be as simple as an email, or something that takes a lot of time such as a phone call or someone coming into your office talking to you.

There are many ways to deal with interruptions. One way is to avoid them altogether, which can be difficult when they are happening in person or on the phone. Another way is to delegate the interruption if possible, which will free up your time for more important tasks.

How to Improve Your Interruption-Proof Productivity Today?

Workers are increasingly getting interrupted at work and this is making them less productive. It also causes stress and anxiety. Here are some of the ways in which you can improve your productivity today:

  1. Turn off notifications from social media apps like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat etc.
  2. Break down tasks into 30 minutes intervals with 5 minute breaks in between.
  3. If you find yourself constantly distracted, stop checking your phone in the middle of a meeting.
  4. Work on your most difficult tasks first to make sure your work is done if an interruption happens.
  5. Take a short walk or do a physical activity before you start working to energize yourself, to stay focus, and to get ready to avoid interuptions.


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